About Author
The author, Anthony J. Vance is a consummate researcher of Geography, science, theology, US and world history; and all topics related to the unfolding of this world.

A Seasoned Writer
Anthony J. Vance is a consummate researcher of Geography, science, theology, US and world history; and all topics related to the unfolding of this world. The author began his research in 1990, When he wrote his first book: The Whole Truth In Tithes, Don’t Be Tithed Around. Since writing that book the author has written five other books: Biblical Stories The Truth In Perspective; More Than A Pulpit Sermon; Hebrew Negro Heritage and Enslavement, Free Yourself; The Plight And Travels Of The Hebrews; and Why The White Man Rules.
In researching multiple data sources to begin writing each of those books, the author increased his knowledge and overstanding of antiquity: history, science, maps, government documents and various religious books are the tenants to increasing in knowledge, leading to the truth of history. In the process of reading and researching theology, science history, world maps of antiquity, and ancient portraits of people from every continent, that research result in the lifelong beliefs of the author being viewed with skepticism. In-fact doing such research resulted in a total change of mind-set about religion. Anyone reading the books written by Anthony will see the transformation in belief system change over from blind faith to documentary, evidence based realism in religious practice. with information pulled together from multiple sources, the author hopes to inspire you, the reader, to see the world from a different, open-minded perspective. Most people never question what their parents, and teachers taught them, not realizing there is much more to history which which has been kept secret from the greater part of humanity. After thousands of hours of research, the author’s critical thinking went into overdrive, intensifying to insatiable. It is with that critical thinking, the author began to seek out information to support his critical thoughts from the most respected authorities from around the world. This book; America And The World Deceived, The Lie You Live, is fully supported in its conclusions by: Documents from the U.S Government, other World Governments; National Geographic; Merriam-Webster; and many famous museums, and renown institutions from around the world.
My First Book
The Whole Truth In Tithes, Don’t Be Tithed Around.
My Latest Book